How to Embrace the Good During the Holidays

present and lights showing the good of the holidays

“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.  With the kids jingle belling and everyone telling you be of good cheer. It’s the most wonderful time of the year”.  The words of this familiar carol could not be more true.  I love this time of the year.  There is so much good all around us just waiting to be seen. We need to embrace the good during the holidays.

You have the choice to see the good that is happening all around you during this season.  You can appreciate the feelings, festivities, decorations, gestures, kindness and cheer that happens more this time of year than others.  It’s a special time and a time when it is especially easy to choose to see good.

Beautiful Decorations

See the good in the beautiful decorations.  No other time of the year has our homes so beautifully decorated and colorful.  I love our tree that tells a story with childhood ornaments.  I also love all the extra color and lights that light up the home.  One of my favorite decorations is the wall of Christmas cards displaying all of our friends and loved ones. 

mantle decorated with garland and christmas decorations showing the good during the holidays

People Volunteering

See the good in people volunteering.  Wherever I go this time of year, either for shopping or work or errands, I hear the familiar bell of the Salvation Army bell ringers reminding us of the opportunity to give.  These volunteers stand out in the cold (in our state at least) and give hours of their time to help the holiday season be about giving back and helping those in need.  I also love to see the presents piled high at our toys for tots drive at work and the countless other efforts taking place to make Christmas special for everyone.  There is so much to appreciate about the acts of kindness and giving by people volunteering during the holidays.

Joy of Children

See the good in the joy and anticipation of children.  Children reflect so much joy during the holidays.  They share excitement for familiar traditions, express wonder and awe at the magic of the season, and infect us with happiness from their smiles.  The holidays are a magical and special time, especially for children, and we should embrace that joy that they share.

girl sitting under the Christmas tree with lights showing the good during the holidays

Wishing others well

See the good in the gestures and well-wishes.  One of my favorite things about the holidays is the way people greet each other with more kindness.  I love the extra, “Merry Christmas” and “Happy Holidays” heard from strangers.  It is such a good thing that happens this time of year…taking time to say an extra greeting and try to spread cheer to strangers.  I wish the same gestures would take place all throughout the year!

Positive attitudes and happiness

See the good in the good attitudes and a happiness.  It feels like people are happier and more positive during the holidays.  Of course there are plenty of people who are frustrated and impatient at things like crowds and lines.  But in general, there is sense of happiness.  This positive attitude may be due to time off from work, spending time with family, or the fun of parties and traditions.  Whatever the reason, it is a welcome change from the regular pace of life to see people just a little happier.

The spirit of giving

See the good in the spirit of giving.  The spirit of giving is at the center of the holidays.  As Christians, we celebrate the fact that God gave His son, Jesus. We, in turn, take that gesture of giving and celebrate by giving gifts to others.  It is a time of year when we focus on the wants and needs of others.  There is so much joy in giving and watching others receive. 

The birth of Christ

See the good in the birth of Christ.  This is the reason for the season and the greatest gift of all.  God gave us Jesus to take away our sins and, ultimately, provide a way to eternal life.  Sometimes this message gets lost in all of the other good and fun things that happen during the holidays.  However, if we stay focused on this message we will feel so increased gratitude and joy.

“It;s the hap-happiest season of all. With those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings when friends come to call. It’s the hap-happiest season of all”.

quote about Christmas beauty and the good during the holidays


This holiday season I urge you to open your eyes and adjust your perspective.  Don’t let the cheer and happiness of this season pass you by.  Take notice of the goodness around you, not just so you can feel good, but so that you can spread and share the goodness with others.