How to find happiness in hard times

woman looking out window

Choose to see the good in trials

See the blessing in disguise.  Find the silver linings.  There are many ways to say the same thing, and that is that we hope to see and experience something good as a result of going through a hardship.  Hard times and trials are a part of life that nobody can escape.  As a result, sometime or another we will all experience a situation that we would rather not and the good will seem like it’s hiding from us.   Yet, the burden will be less if we can find happiness in hard times and focus on the positive that comes from our experience.

Recently I had a very close friend receive a devastating diagnosis.  Cancer is not a word that we like to hear, but lately it seems more and more common in the lives of my loved ones.  The bad news hit hard and the only option was to battle through.  In the past month I have watched my dear friend struggle through the pain of surgery, face fear of the unknown, experience self-doubt and helplessness and prepare for a daunting future.  I’ve felt sadness, frustration and anxiety myself as I wait and watch. 

Since the original diagnosis and delivery of bad news, there have been ups and downs for my friend and there will continue to be as her treatment is just getting started.  However, I’ve already seen some good in this trial.  Our friendship, once strained and distant, has grown stronger.  We’ve had deep connection and laughter.  We’ve also had quiet moments of reflection and honesty.  As I sat with my sweet friend in the hospital I felt so thankful for the time I got to spend with her.

peaceful moment of patient in hospital room, showing that you can find happiness in hard times

How do we find happiness in hard times?

Am I thankful for the sickness?  Absolutely not!  Am I finding joy in any of the suffering she’s gone through of has ahead of her?  Not in the slightest.  Yet in all of this I do see the good that this hard time has brought.  Finding the good in a trial does not mean we have to ignore the bad, it just means we need to recognize the positive effects along the way.  In other words, seeing the good in a trial requires a change in perspective.

What are the trials that you’ve faced?  Your trial could be a divorce, loss of a job, sickness, abuse, death of a loved one, financial stress or betrayal.  You are going to have to go through the trial to come out on the other side, that part cannot be avoided.  However, what good can you take away from it?  Perhaps you gain a new perspective, a new self-confidence, a sense of purpose or a stronger faith.  Maybe you feel overwhelming love and compassion from others.  Maybe you come out of the trial with a testimony and story that will help others.  Or perhaps, if you are like me, you will be lucky enough to rekindle a friendship you feared was lost.

Challenge for this week:

Consider a trial you are experiencing or a loved one is going through.  Then try to think of 1 or 2 good things that are happening as a result of that trial.  Finally, cultivate those good things by focusing on them, developing them and feeling thankful for them. Were you able to see the good in your trial?