What People are Reading

Time to revisit some of our most popular blog posts! These 5 posts are the most popular topics on our blog right now. Have you read these? Are you trying to find joy by changing your perspective? Check out the following topics and click on the link to read the full post. See what other people are reading as they seek to find good in their everyday lives.

man reading on his electronic device

#1 Be Thankful

Gratitude is an essential component of seeing the good and finding joy in life. When you learn how to appreciate the blessings around you, you’ll experience a shift in your perspective. It is nearly impossible to be angry or sad when you are contemplating all the things you have to be thankful for.

Click on the link here to join others in reading more about being thankful and how it can transform your life.

#2 See the Positive Side of Change

If you’re reading this in the current time and living through the crazy year that is 2020, then you know change. You know change whether you want to or not. So much of our lives have been adjusted and routines flipped upside down due to the COVID pandemic. If you’re anything like me, change is hard. I struggle with finding the positive side of change, but I know it can be done.

Like change or not, it is the only constant in life. Learn how to embrace change by focusing on the positive things it can bring to your life. Read more here to get some inspiration on the positive side of change.

#3 Change Your Life With Contentment

I wrote this post a while back to differentiate between happiness and contentment. I found that so many people were pursuing happiness but not many people were pursuing contentment. Why not? The two concepts are similar and intertwined, but not the same.

Contentment is simply defined as being happy with what you have. In other words, contentment is happiness within the bounds of what you already possess and where you already are. While our consumer culture may try to convince us otherwise, I think more people are searching for contentment than they realize. See what others are reading as they try to change their lives with contentment. Click here for the post.

#4 Authentic Relationships

If I’ve learned anything during this time of quarantine and social-distancing, it is a greater appreciation for connection. We were built for authentic relationships and connection with others. These relationships have been tried and tested during the COVID pandemic, as we’ve been forced to adjust our school, work and social patterns to adhere to healthy distances. I’m constantly amazed at the creative ways people find to stay connected.

The popularity of this post strengthens my belief in the power and need for authentic relationships. Our methods of connection may change with time and circumstances, but the basic premise is the same – we need each other. Click here to read further and to challenge yourself to improve the relationships in your life.

#5 The Power of a Smile

I love this topic because I think a smile is so powerful! I’ve always believed that a smile can change someone’s day, offer hope and shift a perspective. A smile is something that is so often underestimated. It is a free and easy way to change the attitude of not only the people around you, but also yourself.

It makes me smile to think of how many of you are reading this post. Click on the link here to see what others are reading. There is also a link to a great Ted Talk from an expert on the subject.

I so appreciate all of my readers. It’s heartwarming to know that I am in great company of people who seek to change their perspective and find joy in their everyday lives. Please take a moment and tell me about your experience in seeing good around you by entering it in the “Your Perspective” link on the side.

Thank you for reading!