See good in the power of music

headphones for music to feel good

We all know the amazing power of music.  It can bring us back to a special time in our past, pump us up for a night out or for exercise, calm us down, help us relax, lead us to worship, or bring back sad memories.  A song can lift our mood instantly or calm us down.  Music can put us in a romantic mood or energize us.  A familiar tune can move us to tears or help take the tears away.  Listening to music has the power to fill our minds with encouraging messages or negative words.  If music is so powerful, then we need to remember to see good in the power of music and use it to bring us joy.

headphones on a table waiting for someone to use to see the good in the power of music

How can you use music to bring joy?

I can think of many scenarios where I use music to increase my joy.   One of my favorite times is while I’m cooking in the kitchen.  In our family I usually take on the duty of making dinner each night.  I embrace the task because I love to sit down as a family each night for dinner and I also happen to enjoy cooking.  But as much as I embrace this task and enjoy it, the fact remains that this is a job that needs to be done and I am usually working solo. 

Do I always love making dinner and want to do it?  No.  However, I sometimes turn on some music and instantly mood is changed.  I can turn on some inspirational music that lifts my spirits while I cook and I have a whole new perspective.  I can turn on classics that I love to sing along to and it feels like a party.  It can be a positive distraction. I can lighten my mood and increase my joy if I can remember to see good in the power of music.

music notes on a page

Another scenario where I find that music really lifts my mood is while I’m driving.  I don’t have an especially long commute to work but I do spend more than enough time in my car.  Over the past 5-6 years I have gotten in the habit of listening to talk radio, news, podcasts and audio books.  I love them all.  In fact, I enjoy listening to these things so much that I have forgotten the power of turning those off and switching to music.  When I take a break from my listening routine and turn on some music, I instantly change my mood. 

Remember the power of music

Music is a simple and easy way to find good in our everyday lives.  It has the power to bring joy and change our mood. Music is a powerful way to change our focus, increase our attention span, improve our creativity and affect the way we view things. Turn it on.  Turn it up.  Enjoy the emotion that music can bring!

Challenge for this week:

  1. What are some tasks or chores that you do that could be made better with music?
  2. What music brings you joy?  When is the last time that you turned it on?
  3. Next time you are in your car, turn off the podcast or phone and turn on the music.  See how your mood can change.

One Reply to “See good in the power of music”

  1. Music has always been part of my life. Mother & Father would always sing and play hymns on the piano … Mother would sing in the car instead of turning on the radio. My sister and I would play songs and Christmas carols on the piano and sing together. I grew up seeing every musical film that was ever made … and I know the words to most of the songs from all of those movies. Church hymns and Andrea Bocelli songs can bring me to tears with the emotion and beauty of the lyrics. Organ music lifts me to the heavens. Violin music is like birds singing. We are fortunate to have music surrounding us … vfs

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