Why travel is good for you; See the joy and growth in getting away

travel the world sign

An easy way for me to see good things and to find joy is to travel!  I love everything about traveling…the anticipation of a trip, planning places to stay and things to do, exploring a new destination, learning about an area and coming home full of vacation memories. I firmly believe that travel is good for you because there is so much joy and personal growth in getting away.

For me, travel is a way to escape, explore and relax.  When I have a vacation to look forward to, I find that I am happier and more productive just with the anticipation of the time away.  In addition to the joy of waiting for and planning a trip, there are also so many benefits to be gained from traveling and getting away.

Each new place I visit opens my mind to a different way of life…urban versus rural, rustic versus luxurious, comfortable versus hard and foreign versus familiar.  For me, each time I travel I return not only rejuvenated but also with an experience that has changed me.

Travel doesn’t become an adventure until you leave yourself behind.

Marty Rubin

I have been blessed to grow up in a family that had the financial means to travel.  As a child I took yearly vacations to California and Oklahoma to visit family.  We also took vacations through my father’s work to far-away places like Mexico, Hawaii and London.  When I was young the prospect of flying on an airplane was so exciting!  I loved to pack my carry-on bag full of activities and anticipated the joy of even the plane ride.  The whole experience was magical to me.

toy plane on top of a globe showing travel

I didn’t fully appreciate travel when I was growing up.  I didn’t understand the planning, logistics and finances that went into our trips.  I took for granted the cultures, food and beauty of the places we visited.  But even though I took those things for granted, a love for traveling was instilled in me that has lasted and grown.

Travel can take make forms

Getting away doesn’t always mean big extravagant vacations and you don’t need to go far to experience the benefits of time away.  Travel can be a long planned-for and budgeted vacation to a new destination or it can simply be a night at a hotel in your hometown. It can be an overnight at the cabin or a day trip to a nearby city.  Travel can be a yearly visit to family across the country or a weekend camping.  If you can’t afford to fly, take a road trip!  The benefit of travel comes from getting away from home and your routine.  Getting away can help you relax, bond with others and expose you to new things no matter where you go.

Travel broadens our perspective

Every time I travel, I return home with a new perspective.  Getting away from our regular routine of schedules, food patterns and people we surround ourselves with invites new experiences and perspectives.  You can try local foods (highly recommended), try new and adventurous activities, visit cultural and natural attractions and experience a different way of life. 

Traveling can expand our comfort zones and help us to see that there are other ways of living.   For example, getting away into the woods or the beach for a camping weekend can help you enjoy simplicity and minimal focus on accommodations.  Spending time in a big city or our in the country can be a big change from what you’re used to and let you experience a lifestyle other than your own.  Visiting a destination rich in history and culture can expand your knowledge and give you a deeper understanding of the world around you.

van traveling down an open road in the dessert by rock formations

Travel can be especially impactful for children (read more here).  Recently my teenage son went to Europe with his school for an educational vacation.  I was so excited for him to see the world and expand his horizons.  He had adventures, experienced new things, learned about history and gained independence.  I know that through his travel he broadened his mind and come home with a new perspective. 

Travel is good for our health

There are many proven health benefits to getting away and taking vacations.  Most of the reported health benefits come from genuine relaxation and lower stress levels.  Even if your vacation is packed with activities and things to do, there is a greater feeling of joy and lowered anxiety on vacation compared to when we are at home dealing with details of life.  People who vacation, in any form, tend to worry less, sleep more, and feel less stress which is good for blood pressure and other stress-related illnesses (read more here). In general, people return from a time away refreshed and with a renewed sense of joy and contentment.

Travel bonds us together

Vacations have the added benefit of bonding us together with the people we travel with.  Spending time away with someone is one of the greatest ways to grow closer.  Usually the people you travel with get your “best self”….the version of you that is relaxed, joyful, focused on having fun and enjoying time together. 

The vacations that I’ve had with my kids and family are precious to me and have given us a closeness that I treasure.  We love to experience new places together and also have yearly traditions that we look forward to.  Getting away with other couples, friends, neighbors and even co-workers provides opportunities for the face-to-face time that is crucial for building relationships.

Favorite places to travel

What are some of your favorite places to travel and ways to get away?  I love to hear about new places to explore and family favorites. Some of my favorites are the coastline beaches of South Carolina, Costa Rica, the Cayman Islands, Napa Valley, Croatia, Santa Fe New Mexico and the north shore and lakes of Minnesota (see specific destination tips here).

Inspired yet? The world is full of new experiences….some far away and some in your own backyard.  Experience the joy of getting away and see why travel is good for you. 

Challenge for this week:

Plan your next trip!  Look ahead the next 3-6 months and see if there is a time you can get away.  If you can afford the time away from work and the expense of a vacation, consider who you want to go with and where you’d like to go.  If you can simply afford a night or day away somewhere local, consider that too.  The point is to schedule some time away and get it on your calendar. Then start the planning and enjoy the anticipation. You’re one step closer to experiencing the benefits of travel!